Friday, November 28, 2008

Black Friday

Ok so today I woke up at 3 a.m. to go see all of the excitement that Black Friday has to offer. I went with one of my good friends that I work with and OMG it was CRAZY!! AGGh there were so many people and everyone was mean and pushy. But we had so much fun. After that I went to a movie with my gma, gpa, and some aunts and uncles. We saw 4 Christmases. and it is so hilarious!! You all need to see it if you haven't already. Haha you will laugh the whole time. I was hoping that Pate would have gone but he worked until 5 this morning and had to be back to work at 4 p.m. but we will probably be hanging out on Sunday. Hopefully. Anyways today has been very long and tiring and I spent WAY too much money. Now I am broke. Lets hope gas goes down to like $1.50 and then I will be ok on gas. Haha. jk. Anyways I'm tired and don't know what else to write. Peace out...

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! continued...

OMG I can't beleive that I left out a few things that I am thankful for. What a bad person I am :-( I'm thankful for my annoying little brothers because they make me crazy but everyday I love them more and more. Oh and I'm thankful and so very grateful for Pate. He makes me smile and he makes me feel good about myself. Thank you Pate. He is a good FRIEND! And only a FRIEND for right now. :-) He is so cute and funny. Haha. Umm I think that's all I was going to write. Oh yeah and I'm thankful for my millions of cousins because they are all unique and fun. They are loud but I love all of them. I would be so bored at Sunday dinner without them all. Especailly Jessika, Lexi, Kylee, Baylee, and CC. They are all so cute and fun. I wish they were my sisters. :-( :-) Happy Thanksgiving!!!


HAPPY THANKSGIVING!! I just wanted to tell everyone what I am thankful for. I'm VERY thankful for everyone in my family because without them I have no idea where I would be in my life right now. I appreciate everything that every one in my family does for me. My aunt Jami lets me eat lunch with her every day at school. And thank you so much Shelly for getting Walker from school every Monday and Tuesday. I'm so VERY VERY VERY grateful for my grandparents because they are always there for me and they support everything I do. I'm thankful for my mom for all that she does to make sure that we have somewhere safe to sleep each night and food on the table. I know it's not always easy for her but she does it anyway. I'm thankful for all of my friends. Especially Honey Girl and Stephanie. Those two crack me up all the time at work. I love them!!! And I'm especailly thankful for Ms. Lia Sophia. She is the bestest and cutest lady in the world. I'm grateful for my dad, even though I have a hard time with him at times...I still love him. I hope everyone has a good Thanksgiving day and eat ALOT of Turkey. I love you all.

Sunday, November 16, 2008


OH MAN...ok remember how I was saying I was going to maybe hang out with Pate?? oK well last night I went to his house to chillax and they were having a party (as always on saturday nights at that house) but I went over there and I had so much fun!!! His mom gave me this necklace though and it's like the wood beads like everyone in Tonga wears. I guess I'm special cuz I got it. But it's driving me crazy cuz they didn't tell me what the necklace stands for or means. They just said that it means I'm special to their family. :-) :-) :-) AHH I'm so happy. Lol...Well then they kicked everyone out of their house and so the only people left over there was me, Pate and his mom and dad. So we talked for a little while and then I told them that I had to go home to go to bed cuz I had to work in the morning. :-( I didn't want to leave. :-( It's so much fun when I'm with him. Hahaha... Pate is so funny.... we were dancing and he was being so silly... his aunt looked over at him and said "Pate quit you look so ugly!! You need to never do that again!" HAHAHA it was SO funny!! Anyways I got to go cook dinner so Peace oUt!!!

Saturday, November 15, 2008


oK so me and Pate (that's his name) have been hanging out lately. HE IS SO FINE!!!!! :-) and he is so sweet. Ok so we hung out last sunday for a little bit and he kissed me. I was so happpy!!! ;-) I just wanted to scream. Well then last night I went over to his house when he got off of work at 1 a.m. and we talked and danced. OMG it was great fun. But then sadly I had to go home :-( :-( :-( He is so nice and cute. I wish you all could meet him. But for now we are just friends but hopefully things will look brighter in the future. His mom already included me into their family which is really hard to get approval from his mom. I'm just so happy right now. !!!! Well I got to peace out for now and get ready for work. Maybe I will have another update tomorrow ;-) Peace out!!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

Work and Work

Hmm what to write what to write. Well I have to work all weekend and OMG ok there is this lady that works with my mom and she has a son and I heard he is FINE!!! Well this lady, Sela wants me to hang out with him so she said that since I work from 12 to 10 tomorrow she will bring him by my work and get him some food and also so that he can meet me. OMG I'm so EXCITED I just can't wait i just can't wait. yOU have no idea how excited I am. I will have to keep everyone who reads this dumb blog posted. Peace out and I will update later.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

I'M SICK!! (cough cough)

I have some HORRIBLE news. I'm sick and I don't know what will cure me!! I have tried everything from cough drops, nyquil, dayquil, robitussen, and many other drugs and medicines. Sadly I went to the doctors office and I have come to the conclusion that I have come down with a nasty disease that you can't get rid of until you graduate High School. My nasty disease is called SENIORITIS!!!!!!! I'm just not quite sure how to get rid of this but luckily it hasn't really affected my skool work. I had like a D- in math and then I luckily got it up in time before the end of the term and now have a B in that class... I think...I really hope so. Anyway I got to get my brothers settled down and get them ready for bed and skool tomorrow. Bye

Not Enough Time :-(

Sorry I know I don't post much but I hardly have any time for anything. between skool and work and brothers, too much to do and not enough time! AHhh!!!!! :-/ anyways i'm still excited to go to new york i just can't wait to go. i will have so much fun and especially be glad to be away from this place!! anyways i don't know what else to say in this thingy. so peace out :-)