Saturday, December 13, 2008

Teenager Love

oK I know it's been a while since I've updated all of you on my crazy Crush...Pate!! hehe... Ok well we went to a movie the Sunday after thanksgiving and it was a blast. And since then I sometimes take him to work. Well last night I was going to get him from work since it was Friday and he was getting off at 1 a.m. Well then he texted me while I was at work and told me he was getting off at 11:15 instead. So I was way happy. Well then we went to his house and his mom and dad and 2 of his aunts were there. OMG they are so funny. Haha I was cracking up all night long. Well my mom came with me to his house and so it was a nice little party. We danced like all night long and then he was tired and so we left. Besides my mom had to work early this morning anyway. So we got home like at 3 and then that crazy fool came to my house at 7 cuz he said he wanted to see me. Haha I felt special but I was kinda mad cuz he woke me up. But it's ok cuz then we took a nap on his couch for like an hour then I came home and now I'm writing this blog. :-) He is so cute. Ha ha I have to tell you a funny story. It started snowing when we were at his house this morning and he hasn't been around snow all that much so he was like freezing and I was cold too but it was funny to watch him shiver cuz he told me that it would be warm when the snow came. Haha Pate I told you it would be cold. Anyways. I will have to update some more later. I have to sadly go get ready for work. Peace out :-)

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