Saturday, February 21, 2009

College Option #1

Ok so I know I talk way too much about Pate and not enough about here is a little update to let everyone who is wondering and interested know what I've been up to. I have been having a hard time deciding on what I want to do. I really want to open my own botique where I sell the bags that I desing and make but to go to school and get certified and everything it would be way too expensive and I would have to go out of state to go to school for my fashion stuff. So I've been really interested in massage therapy for a while and I started looking into the Utah Colllege of Massage Therapy. This morning I went and took a tour of the school and got some more information about it. I would like to go to that school, but still I'm keeping some options open and hopefully I will figure something out soon. If I did end up doing massage therapy I want to work on criuse ships and I can still do my fashion stuff outside of my home when I have some free time. But I still am not quite sure what to growing up sucks.... :-(


Kristen said...

If you go to UCMT you can practice on me... I won't complain!

Michelle Jensen said...

That's awesome Trina what a fun job especially if you get to do it on cruise ships. What a fun way to travel and get you could even sale your designs to some of your clients.

Unknown said...

Growing up totally sucks. Dood, if you do massage, you will have a client for life. (ME.)